Confronting Our Pain To Connect With The Father

When Jesus told us to pray to the Father, he realized how difficult that would be for many of his brothers and sisters. What is difficult, though, is often what’s most meaningful, and Jesus was never one to back down from what is best.

The Power Of Praying In Circles

But in a world where progress is defined by straight lines and checked boxes, corporate ladders and bar charts, what’s circular is often considered unsuccessful—a waste of time and energy.

The Eternal Presence Is Here

Of course, we often prefer God’s nearness to be more tangible, especially in the face of trial. Yet within God’s redemptive design, we are made strong through weakness, perfect through imperfection, whole through brokenness, rooted through storms.

Surrendering “Time” Through Prayer

When we trust God with our future, God will open our hearts to whatever He’s asking us to do or what we need to learn or what we need to come to terms with here to get there.

Surrendering “Place” Through Prayer

You are here, so be here. Whatever that means for you. As you move from place to place this week, ask God to give you eyes to see the purpose, people, pain, and promise of each place.

God Hears Our Silent Prayers

While holding onto both mystery and certainty, I can promise that your words, groans, tears, and cries somehow participate in God’s plans for our world. So please. For the sake of both your family and this nation . . . pray.

Prayer Is A Way Of Life

Praying without ceasing is not a constant chore . . . it’s an invitation into a place of ongoing rest, a place where we recognize that the Lord is at hand, and we can and will face whatever lies before us.

Prayer Isn’t Just Another “Thing To Do”

My life is being transformed as I realize prayer isn’t just another “thing” to do; it’s the thing that brings everything that we do together—and I want to include you on this journey.