Rediscovering Prayer

by Addison Bevere

September 3, 2023

Separator Words with God by Addison Bevere
Pay Attention To Yourselves

“Pay attention to yourselves . . .”
— Luke 17:3

What has your attention right now? (Hopefully, this message for the next few minutes.) All joking aside, your attention is the hottest commodity on the planet—everyone and everything is competing for it.

But in this passage, Jesus tells us that we should pay attention to ourselves . . .

When he makes this statement, Jesus is teaching us how to rebuke and forgive others. At first glance, “pay attention to yourselves,” feels like a misdirection—I thought this was about helping others get their stuff together . . . why is Jesus telling us to pay attention to ourselves?

But the more I meditate on this passage, the clearer it becomes that Jesus is charging us to be prayerful during conflict. Here’s the whole verse,

Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, “I repent,” you must forgive him. (vv. 3–4)

If we’re honest, we will admit that we can struggle to rebuke or forgive in a way that honors God. Jesus knows how important forgiveness and correction are to our development and flourishing, so he tells us that when it comes to matters of who is right and wrong, we should first pay attention to ourselves. Once we do that, we won’t complicate the situation by projecting our own pains and insecurities onto the other person and will be better positioned to rebuke, forgive, and love one another.


The disciples’ response to Jesus’s words was “increase our faith” (v. 5). This way of living seemed too great for them, and they realized that they needed faith beyond what they had known. Let’s be the ones who pray “increase our faith” this week, especially when searching to understand the difficulties within and without.

Closing Thoughts

Our pain that isn’t transformed is often transferred to someone else. We don’t want to live unaware of our disappointments, fears, and doubts. “Increase our faith” is a cry of surrender to the Spirit who searches and knows the truth of all things. When rooted in this God-awareness, we can navigate the complexities of failure, whether they’re our own or another’s.

Praying with you,


Separator Words with God by Addison Bevere

P.S. If you know friends or family who are struggling to connect with God, please invite them to join us as we explore and embrace prayer as a way of life. They can subscribe to the Sunday Entries by visiting And if you don’t have the Words with God book yet, I think today is the day to get your copy. Just click here to get it via book, ebook, or audiobook

Sunday Entries

On most Sundays, I share a short prayer guide, offering words and practices that will help you see, hear, and experience more of God in your daily life. I’d love for you to join us.


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The Entries

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“I’ve been thinking a lot about circles lately. So much of life is defined by circles—our days, week, months, and years form circles for us to move in and through. We’re constantly reminded that the end of a thing has a way of taking us back to a beginning. It would seem the cosmos announces the Circle as God’s shape of choice…”

Addison Bevere is the COO of Messenger International, a ministry founded by John and Lisa Bevere in 1990 that exists to develop uncompromising followers of Christ who transform our world. Messenger is dedicated to providing people with access to life-transforming messages regardless of their location, language, or financial position.

Addison Bevere

Husband, father, author, poet, speaker & follower of Christ

Addison Bevere

Husband, father, author, poet, speaker & follower of Christ

2024 © Addison Bevere. All Rights Reserved.