Rediscovering Prayer

by Addison Bevere

Separator Words with God by Addison Bevere
Your Weekly Prayer Guide: How to See the Power of Prayer

Continue steadfastly in prayer,
being watchful in it with thanksgiving.
— Colossians 4:2

I don’t know about you, but praying with thanksgiving can be a real challenge for me. It’s much easier to just express my worries, frustrations, and desires.

Life is difficult, after all. We live in a broken world that often breaks us. And to make matters worse, sometimes we’re the ones doing the breaking. That’s why giving voice to our pain and disappointment through prayer can feel so honest and therapeutic.

But then passages like Colossians 4 challenge us to look again for what’s most real about our lives . . . our past, present, and future. Scripture tends to tell us there’s more to our stories than what meets the eye, and if we’re to see what’s really going on, we must do the difficult work of praying with eyes of thanksgiving. We must be watchful.


As Christ-followers we embrace the hope that, somehow, the world is always going more right the same time it’s going wrong. This Hope, along with its close companion, Faith, coaxes us to stand on tiptoe, crane our necks, and catch a glimpse of the Good to come. It’s from this posture we can see that indeed nothing will escape God’s redemptive power.

When the apostle Paul writes about Faith and Hope, he has a way of also mentioning thanksgiving. Scripture describes a timeless and transcendent Thanksgiving—one that is particularly good at helping us find our footing when life knocks us off our feet.

So here’s my challenge for you this week: be defiantly thankful in your prayers and ask the Spirit to fill you with audacious hope. It might feel awkward or insincere at first, but with time, you’ll begin to see something more real than any struggle.

Closing Thoughts

Have you ever noticed that thanksgiving has a buoyancy to it? When you’re around people who practice costly gratitude, life feels lighter, even when it’s heavy.

This week will have its difficulties, no doubt. But let’s allow thanksgiving to help us find our footing when life knocks us off our feet.

Praying with you,


P.S. If you’re new to these prayer guides, then welcome. I’m glad you’re here. And if you want to get your own copy of Words with God, book that started this whole thing, Messenger is doing a special five-book bundle, which makes the book easier to share. Just click here to start your journey.

P.P.S. If you’d like to also receive these prayer guides via text, click here.

Separator Words with God by Addison Bevere

The Invitation

At the beginning of most weeks, I share a short prayer guide, offering words and practices that will help you see, hear, and experience more of God in your daily life. I’d love for you to join us.


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The Entries

The Power of Asking

Have you ever thought it strange that Jesus tells us not to waste words because our Father in heaven knows what we need before we ask (Matt. 6:7–8), but then a chapter later suggests we should ask, seek, and knock through prayer (Matt. 7:7)?

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The Promise Hidden in Your Trials

Did you catch the promise couched in the prayer? While trials and temptation are inevitable, so is our victory. Whether it be now or then, every problem has an end date. Every pain will be swallowed up in joy. Every broken part of us will be healed and restored.

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How to Break Free from the Trap of Self-Focus

When you pray this week, begin by meditating on God’s holiness, His love, His tenderness, His faithfulness. Think of this as a holy inhale—you’re breathing in God’s Life and breathing out the temptation to make yourself (or your concerns) god over your life. (And please read Romans 8:5–8, specifically in The Message.)

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Addison Bevere is the COO of Messenger International, a ministry founded by John and Lisa Bevere in 1990 that exists to develop uncompromising followers of Christ who transform our world. Messenger is dedicated to providing people with access to life-transforming messages regardless of their location, language, or financial position.

Addison Bevere

Husband, father, author, poet, speaker & follower of Christ

Addison Bevere

Husband, father, author, poet, speaker & follower of Christ

2025 © Addison Bevere. All Rights Reserved.