Rediscovering Prayer

by Addison Bevere

August 11, 2024

Separator Words with God by Addison Bevere
I’ve Found it’s Nearly Impossible to Pray When…

For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD,
and he ponders all his paths.

—Proverbs 5:21

If you didn’t take a moment to read Proverbs 5:21, the verse above, please do. It’s one of those verses that I have to read multiple times because I struggle to grasp that the God of the universe actually ponders the details of my life . . . the details of your life.

It’s nearly impossible to pray when we don’t believe God cares enough to hear our words and know our ways. But according to Scripture, the Father isn’t just aware of our plight, He ponders its subtleties; He searches out every possibility, guiding us into a more complete understanding of ourselves, of life, of Him.

One proverb earlier (4:26), we’re told to “ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.” The Hebrew word for ponder could also be translated “make level.” When we patiently participate in what God has done, is doing, and will do (ponder), we start to recognize and trust God’s power to level mountains and raise valleys.

But we cannot ponder if we will not pause.


Our family has navigated a lot these past couple of weeks—my wife’s father passed, her grandmother passed, our son began high school, and we hosted over 300 people in Colorado Springs for our Fourteenth Annual Messenger Cup. It’s been hard to take a deep breath.

But God keeps meeting me in these passages of ponderance, showing me again and again that despite my first take or experience, when I dare to take a second look at what lies behind me, I do indeed see evidence that only His goodness and steadfast love are the ones following me. And when I see God’s faithfulness in my past, I find courage to take on whatever lies ahead of me, one day at a time.

My challenge for you this week has two parts. First, acknowledge that God ponders (makes level) your life and pray from that place of security and faith. Second, pause to ponder your own paths. Don’t just blaze forward, allowing the tyranny of the urgent to set your course. Take deep breaths and remember how God’s come through for you before, receiving the perspective that comes with a healthy pace.

Closing Thoughts

There’s a moment in Psalm 5 where David tells us to “be agitated (angry), and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts . . . and be silent.” As a poet and lyricist, David isn’t suggesting we abandon messy words but he knows a pondering posture eventually leads to powerful words of praise.

We mustn’t forget there’s a holy silence that creates space for God to speak . . . and for us to hear.

Praying with you,

P.S. If you’re new to this community or don’t have the Words with God: Trading Boring Empty Prayer for Real Connection yet, just click here to get your copy. (It’s available via bookeBook, and audiobook . . . and in Spanish!)

P.P.S. If you’d like to also receive these prayer guides via text, click here.

Separator Words with God by Addison Bevere

Sunday Entries

On most Sundays, I share a short prayer guide, offering words and practices that will help you see, hear, and experience more of God in your daily life. I’d love for you to join us.


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The Entries

There is hope, though. According to the proverb, while anxiety might weigh us down, just a single good word can reverse its effects, offering us courage in exchange for despair.

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There is hope, though. According to the proverb, while anxiety might weigh us down, just a single good word can reverse its effects, offering us courage in exchange for despair.

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There’s a moment in Psalm 5 where David tells us to “be agitated (angry), and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts . . . and be silent.” As a poet and lyricist, David isn’t suggesting we abandon messy words but he knows a pondering posture eventually leads to powerful words of praise.

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“I’ve been thinking a lot about circles lately. So much of life is defined by circles—our days, week, months, and years form circles for us to move in and through. We’re constantly reminded that the end of a thing has a way of taking us back to a beginning. It would seem the cosmos announces the Circle as God’s shape of choice…”

Addison Bevere is the COO of Messenger International, a ministry founded by John and Lisa Bevere in 1990 that exists to develop uncompromising followers of Christ who transform our world. Messenger is dedicated to providing people with access to life-transforming messages regardless of their location, language, or financial position.

Addison Bevere

Husband, father, author, poet, speaker & follower of Christ

Addison Bevere

Husband, father, author, poet, speaker & follower of Christ

2024 © Addison Bevere. All Rights Reserved.